Triforce Trends : The Zelda Podcast

Talking all things Zelda, with a little Nintendo in there for good measure. The visual version of this content is available on my YouTube channel too. Please check it out:

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Sunday Jul 31, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel! Today I'm joined by a special guest in the form of Hyrule Gamer! We'll be making up a bunch of dungeons that could come to fruition in Breath of the Wild 2. Could we see some underground caves and dungeons? Some atmospheric areas in the overworld? Could we see a dungeon in OUTER SPACE? Let's look at some concepts in this second episode of Thinking up Dungeons for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 (The sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.) Plus we did a video on Hyrule Gamer's channel, check that out here!
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Triforce Trends is mainly about Zelda, but sometimes I cover other Nintendo content too. If you have a different opinion to mine, please drop me a comment on your app, or get in touch on my socials.

Sunday Jul 17, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel, today I wanted to discuss the champions from the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Namely Revali, Urbosa, Daruk and Mipha) and whether they should come back, along with asking the question of whether we could see the new champions from the previous game or whether we could see a brand new set of champions since Breath of the Wild 2 may be set 10,000 years before the original game. I hope you enjoy!
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Triforce Trends is mainly about Zelda, but sometimes I cover other Nintendo content too. If you have a different opinion to mine, please drop me a comment on your app, or get in touch on my socials.

Sunday Jul 10, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel, today I'm starting yet another brand new series, over the course of the next few months (Before breath of the wild 2 finally gets another trailer.) I'll be putting together one huge Twilight Princess retrospective and I'll be starting with Ordon village and why I love the calm that the village represents, before the storm (that is the rest of the game) plays out. So I hope you enjoy the video and I hope you stick around and see future episodes of this brand new series.
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Triforce Trends is mainly about Zelda, but sometimes I cover other Nintendo content too. If you have a different opinion to mine, please drop me a comment on your app, or get in touch on my socials.

Sunday Jun 19, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel. Today I'll be starting up a brand new series on the channel, I'll be trying to create (or make up) my own themes for dungeons in Breath of the Wild 2 (The Sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild), bosses, enemies, puzzles and locations for those dungeons along with little mock-up names. So join me as we started creating our own dungeons for Breath of the Wild 2.
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Triforce Trends is mainly about Zelda, but sometimes I cover other Nintendo content too. If you have a different opinion to mine, please drop me a comment on your app, or get in touch on my socials.

Monday Jun 13, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel, today I'm doing a lot different, I'm taking a look at Breath of the Wild 2 hype and how it's changed since the game was first announced in 2019 (During e3 2019), so here is a video discussing all of the turns whilst waiting for the next Zelda game and waiting for all of the trailers that we've been looking forward to. (Though we did see one trailer at e3 2021.)!
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Triforce Trends is mainly about Zelda, but sometimes I cover other Nintendo content too. If you have a different opinion to mine, please drop me a comment on your app, or get in touch on my socials.

Sunday May 22, 2022

Hello Trenders, welcome back to the channel! Today I want to just talk about how crazy it is that Breath of the Wild 2 (The Sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) is even a game that exists, it's also crazy that we'll most likely be getting a trailer for it over the usual E3 period (June 2022), so today I just wanted to talk about why I'm so darn excited about Breath of the Wild 2 even existing, and what I'm most excited for in the game and in future trailers for the game. I hope you enjoy!
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Triforce Trends is mainly about Zelda, but sometimes I cover other Nintendo content too. If you have a different opinion to mine, please drop me a comment on your app, or get in touch on my socials.

Sunday May 08, 2022

Hello Trenders and welcome back to the channel! Today I'll be looking at whether or not I think we'll be getting a nintendo direct this summer (likely around the usual time that e3 2022 would've ran, so around June, next month!), I'll be doing this by looking at trends in the past and just how important e3 actually seems to nintendo, along with that, since this is a legend of Zelda channel I'll also have a quick look at whether or not I can see Breath of the Wild 2 (The Sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) being featured at the next direct or if that's just a drewam that won't come true. I hope you enjoy!
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Triforce Trends is mainly about Zelda, but sometimes I cover other Nintendo content too. If you have a different opinion to mine, please drop me a comment on your app, or get in touch on my socials.

Sunday May 01, 2022

Hello Trenders and welcome back to the channel, today I'll be looking at the master sword, the sword that seals the darkness and I'll be seeing whether or not I think the sword could be way more powerful in Breath of the Wild 2 (The Sequel to the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild), Could Fi be in the game? Where could we find the master sword? Will it have durability and how could we be forging the master sword after it seems like it's broken in the newest scene from the game? Take a look at all of this and more in this video. I hope you enjoy!
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Triforce Trends is mainly about Zelda, but sometimes I cover other Nintendo content too. If you have a different opinion to mine, please drop me a comment on your app, or get in touch on my socials.

Sunday Apr 17, 2022

Hello Trenders! With Breath of the Wild 2 (The Sequel to the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) being delayed recently, I think it's important that we look at a trend that's stood true for the zelda team since 2013 now, there's been a new zelda game in some form since then, whether it be a spin off, port, remaster, new game or something completely different there has always been a game every single year, so today I think it's important that we look at which games could be released on the switch this year now that the delay has taken place, I'll discuss options like new 2d ports, Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD, Spin off games and a brand new 2d game. Hope you enjoy!
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Triforce Trends is mainly about Zelda, but sometimes I cover other Nintendo content too. If you have a different opinion to mine, please drop me a comment on your app, or get in touch on my socials.

Monday Apr 11, 2022

Hello Trenders and welcome back to the channel! Today I'll be looking at Villages, Towns and Cities in Breath of the Wild 2 (Sequel to Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild), how could they differ compared to Breath of the Wild and how Villages throughout the years have worked in previous 3d Legend of Zelda games. I'll be looking at atmosphere, hope, and many other things that make a village in a zelda game and how both underground and sky villages could be implemented in breath of the wild's sequel.
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Triforce Trends is mainly about Zelda, but sometimes I cover other Nintendo content too. If you have a different opinion to mine, please drop me a comment on your app, or get in touch on my socials.

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