Sunday Oct 23, 2022

Triforce Trends 069: Does it REALLY Matter if Yearly Zelda Games Don’t Happen Anymore? (Legend of Zelda)

Today I'm going to take a look at how we're not getting any Zelda games for the year this year for the first time since 2012, almost 10 whole years since the trend began if you count all of the ports and the remakes and the spin offs etc etc. I specifically want to talk about why I don't think it'd be that bad if they stopped releasing the games yearly and why I understand why they delayed the game. The topic has been discussed by others before but because I wanted to do this kind of video lay out I thought I'd put my own spin on an analytical look at the series this week, I hope you enjoy Trenders!

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Triforce Trends is mainly about Zelda, but sometimes I cover other Nintendo content too. If you have a different opinion to mine, please drop me a comment on your app, or get in touch on my socials.

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