Monday Sep 26, 2022

Triforce Trends 066: Sky Islands in Tears of the Kingdom - CAVES? The DEKU TREE? DRAGONS? (Legend of Zelda)

Hello Trenders and welcome back to the channel! Today I wanted to discuss one of the main focus points of the last 2 trailers for Tears of the Kingdom (Or Breath of the Wild 2/ The Sequel to Breath of the Wild), I want to talk about the sky islands, specifically I want to talk about some of the islands seen in the last couple of trailers, things such as the deku tree being in the sky islands, characters being out of their comfort zones, how beautiful the islands are and a little on the dragon we can see in the newest trailer along with the upside down pyramid structure, could it be, a dungeon, a settlement? Take a listen as we talk a little about the sky islands today!

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