Sunday Jul 31, 2022

Triforce Trends 061: A Dungeon in OUTER SPACE? (Feat. @Hyrule Gamer ) (Thinking up Breath of the Wild 2 Dungeons #2)

Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel! Today I'm joined by a special guest in the form of Hyrule Gamer! We'll be making up a bunch of dungeons that could come to fruition in Breath of the Wild 2. Could we see some underground caves and dungeons? Some atmospheric areas in the overworld? Could we see a dungeon in OUTER SPACE? Let's look at some concepts in this second episode of Thinking up Dungeons for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 (The sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.) Plus we did a video on Hyrule Gamer's channel, check that out here!

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