Sunday Apr 17, 2022

Triforce Trends 053: What Could be this Year’s Zelda Game? Will there be one? (Legend of Zelda)

Hello Trenders! With Breath of the Wild 2 (The Sequel to the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) being delayed recently, I think it's important that we look at a trend that's stood true for the zelda team since 2013 now, there's been a new zelda game in some form since then, whether it be a spin off, port, remaster, new game or something completely different there has always been a game every single year, so today I think it's important that we look at which games could be released on the switch this year now that the delay has taken place, I'll discuss options like new 2d ports, Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD, Spin off games and a brand new 2d game. Hope you enjoy!

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